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Jornal de Microbiologia Alimentar e Industrial

Effect of Smoking Methods and Refrigeration Storage on Microbiological Quality of Catfish Fillets (Clarias gariepinus)


El-Lahamy AA, El-Sherif SA, Khalil KI and Mahmud AA

The current investigation aimed to study the impact of smoking process and refrigeration storage on microbiological load for smoked fillets of catfish. Total bacterial counts (TBC) and yeast and moulds (Y and M) of fresh fillets of Catfish products decreased after smoking process. The decline of microbiological load was greater in hot smoked than cold. Microbiological aspects of smoked catfish product gradually increased (p<0.05) during storage period. Appearance of yeast and moulds growths on the surface of smoked catfish products were firstly on hot products followed by cold smoked product after 35 and 40 days respectively. Microbiological load of smoked products were within the permissible limits until end of storage period.


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