Kamal Asghar
This research work is based on the comparative study of vitamin C and Fe-content present in cabbage grown with different water regimes used for irrigation purposes as well as reducing effect of vitamin C on Fe-content because of the increasing consumption of cabbage across the world. The concentration of vitamin C was estimated by two methods; iodimetry and indophenol method while 1, 10-Orthophenonthrolein (OPT) and potassium thiocyanate (KSCN) methods were applied for total iron and ferric ion estimation, respectively. The experimental results unambiguously demonstrate that the concentration of vitamin C was observed in higher concentration in the cabbage grown in sewage water than in cabbage grown in freshwater. However, the amount of the iron observed was comparatively higher in the cabbage grown in freshwater (CK). The estimated amount of Fe+2 in the cabbage sample was observed that is; the vitamin C plays an important role in the reduction of ferric into ferrous in the cabbage.
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