
Revista de Farmacognosia e Produtos Naturais

Volume 9, Emitir 3 (2023)

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The Fascinating World of Herbal Plants: Harnessing Nature′s Healing Power

Mavis Karley*

Herbal plants have been an integral part of human civilization since ancient times. They have played a significant role in traditional medicine systems across different cultures and continue to be valued for their therapeutic properties. Herbal plants, also known as medicinal plants or herbs, are plants that contain various compounds with potential health benefits. From relieving ailments to promoting overall well-being, herbal plants offer a natural and holistic approach to healing. In this comprehensive article, we will explore the diverse world of herbal plants, their uses, and their immense potential in promoting health and wellness.

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Ethnopharmacology: Exploring the Traditional Knowledge of Medicinal Plants

Nermeen Guo*

Ethnopharmacology is an interdisciplinary field that combines elements of anthropology, pharmacology, and botany to study the traditional knowledge and practices surrounding the medicinal use of plants by different cultures. It encompasses the exploration, documentation, and analysis of indigenous healing systems and their associated plant-based remedies. This branch of science is crucial in understanding the cultural context of traditional medicine, validating its efficacy, and discovering potential sources for novel therapeutic compounds.

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Natural Killer T Cells: Bridging Innate and Adaptive Immunity for Immunotherapy and Disease Regulation

Amanda Thiago*

Bridging Innate and Adaptive Immunity for Immunotherapy and Disease Regulation Natural Killer T (NKT) cells are a unique subset of immune cells that bridge the innate and adaptive immune systems. These cells play a crucial role in the immune response, providing rapid and potent immune defence against various pathogens, as well as participating in the regulation of autoimmune diseases, allergies, and cancer. In this comprehensive essay, we will explore the biology, functions, activation, and therapeutic potential of Natural Killer T cells.

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Tuberculosis: A Persistent Threat and the Quest for Effective Control Strategies

Justin Edward*

Tuberculosis (TB) is a highly contagious infectious disease caused by the bacterium Mycobacterium tuberculosis. It primarily affects the lungs but can also target other organs and systems of the body. Despite significant advancements in medicine and healthcare, TB remains a major global health challenge, affecting millions of people worldwide. This comprehensive essay explores various aspects of tuberculosis, including its history, etiology, transmission, clinical presentation, diagnosis, treatment, prevention, and the global efforts to combat this pervasive disease.

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Lavender Plant: Farming and Health Benefits

Sameer Ullah Khan, Baseerat Hamza, Kaneez Fatima and Fayaz Malik

Lavender is a Mediterranean shrub from the Lamiaceae family. Lavender flowers (Lavandula flores) include active ingredients (3%), Anthocyanins, Sugars, Phytosterols, Minerals, and Tannins, and are majorly used for herbal applications. Lavender essential oil's descriptive and analytical composition varies depending on genotype, growing region, climatic circumstances, propagation, and morphological characteristics. There are around 300 chemical components in essential oil. The Linalool, Terpinen-4-ol, Linalyl Acetate, Ocimene, Acetate Lavandulol, and cineole are the most prominent constituents. Lavender oil has antibacterial and antioxidant properties and a noticeable improvement in the digestive and neurological systems Lavender extract helps to prevent dementia and may slow cancer cell growth, while Lavender oil hydrolate is used to treat skin problems. This review will cover the recent medical, economic and regional advancements in Levander propagation and how CSIR IIIM aroma mission is actively acting as a bridge between farmers and their economic improvement by attracting them to the field of medicinal plant cultivation.

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