
Anais da Conferência e Exposição Internacional sobre Metabolômica e Biologia de Sistemas

Artigo de Pesquisa

Antioxidants Prevention of Diabetic Damage in the Organ Culture Bovine Lenses

  • E. Bormusov *,A. Dovrat ,M. Chevion ,A. Z. Reznick

Artigo de Pesquisa

Stress Responses to Tomato Yellow Leaf Curl Virus (TYLCV) Infection of Resistant and Susceptible Tomato Plants are Different

  • Moshe Adi ,Pfannstiel Jens ,Yariv Brotman ,Kolot Mikhail ,Sobol Iris ,Czosnek Henryk ,Gorovits Rena *

Artigo de Pesquisa

Role of the CM2 Protein in Influenza C Virus Replication: Analyses of Recombinant Viruses possessing CM2 Mutants

  • Yasushi Muraki *,Takako Okuwa ,Toshiki Himeda ,Yoshiro Ohara

Artigo de Pesquisa

C60 Fluorine Derivative as Novel Matrix for Small Molecule Analysis by MALDI-TOF MS

  • Jian An Liu ,Lei Xiong ,Shu Zhang ,Jing Chao Wei ,Shao Xiang Xiong *

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