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Revista de Bioprocessamento e Biotécnicas

Volume 10, Emitir 1 (2020)

Artigo de Pesquisa

Effect of blending ratio of pineapple on sensory and physicochemical property of mango juice

Yassin Hassen,, Derese Tamiru, , Belay Haftu

Quality and alimental contents of single fruit juice can be ameliorated through mixing or blending process with other fruit juices. Pineapple and mango are the most
popular tropical fruits with good characteristic taste. Fruit juice were developed from mango and pineapple with different proportions .The physico-chemical properties
(TSS, pH and TA) and sensory quality (color , taste, Viscosity, mouth feel, aroma and overall acceptability) of developed juices were evaluated .Color properties of
pineapple and mango juice blends at ratio of 85M: 15P; 70M: 30P; 55M: 45P was evaluated. Blends ratio 55M:45P juice give the best color performance interms of hue,
chroma and ΔE. Physicochemical properties of juice blends ratio of 55M:55P also give results of pH (3.56) titratable acidity (0.79%), total soluble solid (14.60). Based
the present study this study blending ratio of 55M: 45P resulted with best quality of juice compare to others blending ratios

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