
Revista de Sistemas Elétricos e Eletrônicos

The Future of Wireless Charging: From Smartphones to Electric Vehicles


Mohammad Omar

The advent of wireless charging has marked a significant milestone in the realm of electronic device power management. This paper provides a comprehensive overview of the current state and future prospects of wireless charging technologies, with a special focus on its transition from commonplace applications in smartphones to the burgeoning domain of Electric Vehicle (EV) charging. The study outlines the principles underlying wireless charging, highlighting advancements in resonant inductive coupling, Radio Frequency (RF) energy harvesting, and Near- Field Communication (NFC) technologies. Moreover, it delves into the challenges posed by increased power requirements for EV charging and discusses potential solutions, including high-power inductive charging and dynamic charging infrastructure. The integration of wireless charging into autonomous and shared mobility ecosystems is also examined, presenting a vision of seamless and convenient charging experiences. By addressing technological advancements, infrastructure scalability, and consumer adoption trends, this paper offers valuable insights into the trajectory of wireless charging and its transformative impact on the future of power delivery.

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