
Increased STI/UTI prevalence rates in Uganda


Kiyemba Ronald

Statement of Problem: On average, a typical Ugandan female will have an infection once a month. And in outpatients departments out of every 10 females will complain of symptoms pointing to infection. Most of these infections are more of community acquired than nosocomial. By 2011,a report was published and the prevalence rate stood at 13.3%,and it keeps going high every year.so much funds have been spent on antibiotics which could have been avoided, some of the key points to note. In the urban settings where populations are rising, shared toilet settings which play a great role in its spread due to the female anatomy as opposed to the rural settings which have the put latrines which are of less threat abuse. Where they're poorly controlled by the system highly humid and high temperature s which favored buildup of bacteria leading to these infections The country's location at the equator, making it highly humid and high temperatures which favored buildup of bacteria leading to these infections Promiscuous nature due to culture, where one has multiple sexual partners, and the middle aged citizens having several partners at ago. Antibiotic abuse, where they're poorly controlled by  the systems , self-medication is so rampant as the antibiotics  are easy to reach and the  infections  end  up  being  poorly managed, leading to reoccurrence and resistance. High levels of poverty directly connecting to poor personal hygiene. where the population can't steer clear of  the infections. Limited access to health services leading to those untreated spreading it further.

Conclusion: Government should improve awareness, and educate more its citizens on prevention and control of these infections, monitoring antibiotic sales as this will greatly lead to reduction and elimination of recurring infections African homesteads using locally available herbal therapy through the family concept.

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