
Revista de Bioprocessamento e Biotécnicas

Biogas Production Technology in India


Karoline Dornelas

This paper presents the state-of-the-art, challenges, and issues related to biogas production technology on small and large scale in India. The biogas development in India occurred in several stages mainly from year 1950-2020. First Stage focused on research and development for practical digester in India as the design and construction of bio digester for production of biogas is one of crucial factor. During this period 15 types of Indian digesters were designed and found virtually feasible, efficient and further development was perpetuated. In the second stage launched and initiated several National Biogas Programs with immense incentives across the rural India. In third stage installation of household size biogas for cooking fuel and lighting in rural from 1984-2004 largely subsidized and further scaled up to urban and peri urban areas till 2019.

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