
Behind the Mask: Malaria Eradication and Involuntary Sterilization


Kevin Galalae*

Driven by the sustainability agenda and development prerogatives, the UN system has devised the ‘Global Technical Strategy for Malaria 2016-2030’ as an open plan to combat malaria and a hidden program to combat population growth in countries where previous efforts to lower fertility to replacement level have failed. The chemical and pharmacological arsenal used to combat malaria and subvert fertility by chemoprophylaxis and vector control under the direction of the WHO poses great risks to health and even greater risks to society as it is aimed at stabilizing the still growing populations of the Americas, Eastern Mediterranean, Asia Pacific and Africa through involuntary and mass sterilization. This methodology of combatting population growth is enabled by the moral loophole created by the Holy See for secular authorities to subvert fertility only while healing disease, which has debased medicine and public health into handmaidens of genocide, has perverted the integrity of medical authorities and has shattered the credibility of medical research. The lives it will save in the present outside the womb will be exceeded many times over by the lives it will take in the future inside the womb and the imaginary benefits it will bring to child mortality rates will be overshadowed many times over by the real rise in morbidity rates through chronic diseases that a sustained chemical and pharmacological attack on the human reproductive system will inevitably trigger. Unless stopped and replaced with open and legal methods of population control it will inevitably lead to violent conflict.

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