
Revista de Sistemas Elétricos e Eletrônicos

Advancements towards Construction of a Novel Nanometer-resolution MeV-STEM for Imaging Thick Frozen Biological Samples


Isabella Santos

The imaging of thick frozen biological samples at nanometer resolution remains a significant challenge in the field of electron microscopy. Conventional techniques often suffer from limitations such as radiation damage and poor contrast in these samples. In recent years, there has been a growing interest in the development of novel instruments capable of overcoming these challenges. This article discusses the advancements towards the construction of a novel MeV-STEM (Mega-electron volt Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy) system for imaging thick frozen biological samples with nanometer resolution. By leveraging the unique properties of high-energy electrons, such as reduced radiation damage and increased penetration depth, this system holds great promise for revolutionizing our understanding of biological structures at the nanoscale.

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