
Revista de Saúde e Informática Médica

Volume 3, Emitir 2 (2012)

Artigo de Pesquisa

Assessment of Teratogenecity and Embryo Toxicity of Dye Wastewater Untreated Sludge from Sanganer on Swiss Albino Mice when Administered during Growth Period of Gestation


Water and soil pollution is inherited through the uncontrolled and indiscriminate discharge of pollutants from domestic, commercial and industrial sources into water bodies. This is visible everywhere and the water pollution problem is progressively mounting in our country. The present investigation was carried out to study the toxic effects of non treated sludge leachate from textile and dye industries treated in Sanganer, Rajasthan on lactation, weaning and neonatal growth in mice. Two groups of ten pregnant Swiss albino mice each were given sludge leachate of 0.1% and 0.01% dilution with water and libitum from 15th day of gestation till lactation and weaning to cover the critical period of growth. Weight gain of the dams, weight gained by the neonates, sex ratio, viability index, growth index, weaning index were recorded and external malformations were examined. Maternal toxicity due to sludge leachate was evident by significant reduction in body weight gain, substantial loss of body fur and restlessness. Neonatal toxicity was evident by decreased average body weight gain, reduced viability index and weaning index accompanied with retarded growth and vigorous neck movement.

Artigo de revisão

Diabetes Research in India, China and Brazil: A Comparative Quantitative Study, 2000-09

Adarsh Bala ,BM Gupta *

The study analysis the diabetic research output during 2000-2009 in global context on several parameters including most productive countries of the world in diabetic research, their rank, publication share, global burden of the disease on respective countries and diabetic research output in relation to their population. In depth, this study evaluate the diabetic research profile of India, China and Brazil including their total publications, citation impact, publications growth, international collaboration share, research priorities under various subjects, diabetic complications and type of diabetes. It also analyses the characteristics of most productive institutions of these three countries.

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