
Journal of Bioengineering & Biomedical Science

Sprayable Coatings Containing Diacetylene Amphiphiles for Visual Detection of Gaseous Hydrogen Peroxide


Tahar Seddelmeyer

This paper explores the development of sprayable coatings containing Diacetylene amphiphiles for the visual detection of gaseous Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2). Diacetylene-based materials undergo a distinct color change in response to H2O2 exposure, offering a simple and intuitive method for detecting this important oxidizing agent. The coatings were fabricated using a facile spray-coating technique, enabling uniform deposition on various substrates. Characterization studies confirmed the successful incorporation of Diacetylene amphiphiles into the coatings and their sensitivity to H2O2 vapor. The colorimetric response of the coatings to H2O2 exposure was evaluated using spectroscopic techniques, demonstrating their potential for rapid and selective detection of gaseous H2O2. Overall, the sprayable coatings represent a promising platform for real-time monitoring of H2O2 levels in diverse environmental and industrial settings.

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