Feng Zhao, Dingning Zhang and Jie Zhang
The distribution of the underground economy in China shows obvious regional differences and has an important impact on the environmental pollution of relevant provinces. The spatial data analysis method is used to study the spatial differences between central and peripheral areas and between developed and backward areas in China’s underground economy, and the degree of provincial environmental pollution has significant spatial dependence. On this basis, the spatial error model and spatial lag model are further used to empirically analyze the impact of the underground economy and its scale on China’s environmental pollution, and the impact degree of underground economic growth on the ecological environment in various provinces of China is discussed. The research results show that there is a negative correlation between the underground economy and environmental pollution in various provinces of China, and the development of and changes in the underground economy and the way it acts on the macroeconomic determine the sustainability of this relationship. In addition, the impact degree of China’s provincial underground economic growth on the ecological environment differs in different regions. The impact of the underground economy on the ecological environment in the eastern and central regions is most significant from the early stage to the middle stage, and the impact of the underground economy on the ecological environment in the western region is most obvious in the middle stage.
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