
Revista Internacional de Economia e Ciências de Gestão

Contribution of CEO Transformational Leadership While Enhancing Service Innovation Performance


Muhammad Imran Hanif

For its role in enhancing service innovation performance, transformational leadership has often been studied by the various researchers; but further research is dire need to explore the procedure, by which transformational leadership has its effect on service innovation performance. This study as four main goal to explore transformational leadership at higher level of management like CEO level to highlight the significant of innovation performance in enhancing the global competiveness of service sector to clarify the process of transformational leadership affecting the service innovation performance by taking organizational factors as mediators and to empirically examined the proposed model explaining the relationships among CEO TFL, organizational factors, and service innovation performance through empirical examination. For analysis of proposed hypotheses, questionnaire was distributed among employees in banking sector. Principle findings of this study are CEO TFL has a positive impact on all three organizational variables including the exchange of expertise, organizational training and culture of innovation All the organizational factors including knowledge sharing, organizational learning, and innovation culture are positively related with service innovation performance Among organizational factors, organizational learning has most significant impact on service innovation performance positively and CEO transformational leadership is also directly related with service innovation performance positivel.

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