
Revista Internacional de Economia e Ciências de Gestão

Analysis of the Energy Use in Wastewater Treatment Facilities from an Economic Perspective


Asad Iqbal

The primary operational expense for wastewater treatment is energy. In North America, wastewater treatment facilities use 1-4 percent of the nation's overall energy output, while in Europe, they use about 1 percent. The primary energy users were identified as the aeration equipment connected with biological treatment (58 percent), intake pumping (9 percent), deodorization (8 percent) and sludge treatment equipment in a funded project in the north of Portugal (6 percent). For the survival and expansion of water service organizations as well as for improving management practices, it is crucial to evaluate the efficacy of wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs). Management in a circular economy context entails implementing circular economy business models (CEBMs), which ought to result in more affordable, ecologically friendly and sustainable technology.

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