
Volume 3, Emitir 3 (2017)

Artigo de revisão

Genetics in Suicide Treatments, Modern Diagnosis Establishments

Lu DY1*, Lu TR1, Che JY1, Yarla NS2 and Wu HY1

Antidepressants can relief human depression and reduce human depressive symptoms—including human suicide prevention. Although the mechanisms of action for these drugs remained to be established, researches focusing on revealing the relationship between efficacy and toxicities of antidepressants have been initiated in China and US. To deal with this suicide prevention and side-effective, new initiatives and revolutionary ideas have been proposed and assessed. Hopefully, therapeutic efficacies and outcomes by antidepressant treatments can be improved for clinical trials in future.

Artigo de Pesquisa

From Status of Experts to Status of Surfers: A New Approach of Social Practices on the Internet

Martin M*

The Technologies of Information and Communication (TIC) are responsible for the development of innovative paradigms. Thus, the Internet allows users to communicate by overcoming geographical frontiers. This access to everything and everyone also opens on another phenomenon like, for some users, to invest themselves in missions usually reserved for experts. This is the prescriptive roles that arrogate to themselves certain groups of users who then try to take the place of agencies duly authorized to act in a particular subject area.

Comunicação curta

Societal Implications of the Uniform Proxemic Distance on the Internet,the Example of the Pseudonyms

Martin M*

In this present article, it will be discussed about the concept of proxemic distance and what it covers. This will also evoke the pseudonym or a "pleasure made a name", but the pseudonym, considered in a quite specific social dimension: Internet.

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