
Toxic Heavy Metals in Ambient Air of Kinshasa, Democratic Republic Congo


Kabamba M, Basosila N, Mulaji C, Mata H and Tuakuila J*

The particularly high rate of urbanization in Kinshasa is associated with environmental degradation, such as air pollution. However, little documented information exists on the nature and extent of this pollution. In the present study, Atmospheric samples of ambient air were collected in Kinshasa for 4 months (July to October, 2009) and analyzed for As, Cd, Pb and Ni using ICP - MS. The ranges of heavy metal concentrations for the 24-h ambient air samples in roadside sites (residential sites) were 0.9-6.0 ng/m3 (0.4-2.8 ng/m3), 2.5-5.9 ng/m3 (1.2-3.5 ng/m3), 166.2-1422.5 ng/m3 (72.0-1685.0 ng/m3), 48.7-482.0 ng/m3 (42.0-117.6 ng/m3) for As, Cd, Pb and Ni, respectively. Current 24-h average levels of all of them show higher levels than those measured in Europe. Toxicologically relevant elements reach levels of public health concern. The Efforts should be made to reduce the levels of metal contamination.

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