
Revista de Ciência e Engenharia Têxtil

Synthesis, Characterization and Application of Nano Cellulose for Enhanced Performance of Textiles


Chattopadhyay DP and Patel BH

In the present investigation cellulose nano whisker is separated from industrial waste viscose rayon fibre, characterized by SEM images and FTIR spectroscopy. The size and size distribution of these nano crystals have also been examined using particle size analyzer; the average size of the particles is found to be 348 nm. The findings support the size and shape of the synthesized nano cellulose particles. These nanoparticles have been applied to polyester fabric by padding technique and manifested the improved physical and thermal properties. The dyeing behaviour of the treated fabrics with direct dye has also been studied and the build-up of dyes, measured as colour strength in terms of K/S values, reported. The higher K/S values are obtained when the cellulose nano is anchored in the fibre matrix, i.e. when the fibre is pre-treated and dyed with direct dyes. Improved colour strength with good resistance towards soaping is obtained after treatment of fabrics with nano cellulose.

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