Broz Frajtag Jasenka
Introduction: Otitis media with effusion is accompanied with conductive hearing loss. The aim of the study is to find out effect of long term or recurrent conductive hearing loss on speech descrimination.
Method: Tonal audiometry timpanometry, speech audiometry (free sound field, head phone for left and right ear respectively) performed in 18 girls (mean age 8 years) and 27 boys (mean age 7 year). All of the children undergo speech/language screening tests.
Results: Results of speech recognition showed no ear side effect in girls and right ear advantage in boys. Girls showed earlier in age central auditory processing disorder. Boys showed lower scores in words discrimination while hearing throught the head-phones on left ear. Poorer speech recognition at boys is accompanied with motorical immaturty, undeveloped articulation, poor vocabulary, lack of syntax in sentences, substitution of R and L, unable to focus on school tusk.
Conclusion: Children with conductive hearing loss associated to otitis media with effusion are pronounced auditory processing disorder and speech/language discrimination disturbance. Associative thinking and solving of abstract problems are more affected in females than males.
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