
Revista de Ciência e Engenharia Têxtil

Recycling the Cellulosic Biomass to Competent Advanced Material


Ashish Chauhan and Balbir Kaith

Sereni is a common plant found in abundance through-out the world. Its stem fiber is rich in cellulose that was graft copolymerized with different vinyl monomers. Variable graft yield was obtained depending on properties of the monomers, reaction conditions and other physico-chemical factors. The graft copolymers were characterized by SEM & FTIR and studied for change in properties like swelling and dye-uptake behavior. These modified fibers were then used as reinforcement in the composites. These composites were then evaluated for physico-chemicomechanical properties. The modified fiber and the composites could be useful for various industrial and scientific applications.

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