
Primary Tuberculosis of Uterine Cervix Clinically Simulating Malignant Neoplasm-A Case Report


Kavita Krishnan, Wasnaa Hadi, Geanie Castillo Dimaculangan, Antony Thomas and Anu Shibu Varghese

Tuberculosis of female genital tract is common among the reproductive age group in developing countries. However, primary tuberculosis of cervix is a rare entity. Clinical presentation of cervical tuberculosis could be as a papillary growth on the cervix with ulceration simulating carcinoma of cervix or as a miliary lesion. In the present case the clinical appearance was that of an exophytic friable, polypoid and ulcerated lesion which created clinical suspicion of a neoplastic condition. However the cervical cytology was normal. Biopsy histopathology showed endocervical tissue with multiple well-formed caseating epithelioid cell granulomas and multinucleate Langhan’s type of giant cells. AFB was positive by Ziehl Neelsen’s stain. Hence a diagnosis of granulomatous inflammatory lesion with presence of AFB was given and the patient was referred for further management. The case is presented in view of rarity of the clinical presentation and importance of considering this lesion in the differential diagnosis of an ulcerated friable polypoid lesion of the cervix.

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