
Journal of Physiotherapy & Physical Rehabilitation

Physiotherapy-driven Cardiovascular Health Promotion: A Scoping Review


Mimansa Wiser*

Cardiovascular Diseases (CVDs) continue to impose a significant global health burden, necessitating comprehensive approaches for prevention and management. Physiotherapy, traditionally recognized for its role in musculoskeletal rehabilitation, has expanded its domain to encompass a pivotal role in cardiovascular health promotion. This scoping review synthesizes the existing literature on physiotherapy-driven cardiovascular health promotion interventions. A systematic search of electronic databases was conducted, yielding a diverse array of studies spanning a range of physiotherapeutic interventions, including exercise prescription, lifestyle modification counselling and cardiovascular risk factor management. The review elucidates the breadth and depth of physiotherapy's impact on cardiovascular health, emphasizing the multifaceted strategies employed by physiotherapists in diverse clinical settings. The findings underscore the potential of physiotherapy not only in rehabilitation post-CVD events but also as a proactive force in preventive cardiovascular care. Key themes, gaps in the literature and implications for future research and clinical practice are discussed, providing a comprehensive overview of the evolving landscape of physiotherapy-driven cardiovascular health promotion.

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