
Jornal de Saúde Animal e Ciência Comportamental

Nerologic exam in cats and dogs by Suelen Dalegrave


Suelen Dalegrave

The neurological exam in dogs and cats is extremely important for veterinarians, without that examination is impossible to determine which clinical approach would benefit our patients the most. Firstly, medical history of our patients must be collected from the owners following a detailed anamnesis must be conducted; some of the questions that need to be asked to the owner are the following: how is the evolution of the clinical signs since the last appointment?  What’s the normal behavior of the animal has that behavior change lately¿ when did you first notice these clinical signs¿ how quickly are they evolving¿ Does the animal has any existing condition¿ Does the animal take any medication¿ which one ¿ Has the animal threw up, had signs of diarrhea cough and/or sneeze¿ how are his feeding patterns¿ has he changed anything on his food and/or water consumption¿ Does he have his shots up-to-date¿ Are there any other animals showing the same clinical signs¿ Does the anima live indoors or outdoors¿ if he lives indoors does he have access to external areas¿ Has this animal travel elsewhere¿ etc. This questions can be followed by a series of specific question pertinent to the condition and clinical signs of each. The main components to a neurological examination are, behavior status of the animal, walking patterns, posture and reactions, examination of the cranial nerves, spinal reflexes, palpation, and pain response. Having in mind the main complain of our patients, physical as well as neurological examination we may them proceed to the next step in our case. For example, a neurological examination of a patient with cranioenchephalic trauma should not be the first thing we go to, instead we must follow the emergency ABC; or in the case of an animal with multiple fractures, the neurological examination will not be the first intervention we do with the patient, instead we should choose an exam that in the moment do not offer risk of aggravating the condition in which the animal. The tools which are used for a neurological evaluation are: pleximeter, the test the reflexes, hemostatic forceps, to evaluate pain reflexes, flashlight, to evaluate pupillary reflexes and a swab to test no nasal sensibility.

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