
Muritala Alhaji B, Maruf Suraqat A (2016) Lafz and Ma‘Na in the Line: Ibn Qutayba’s (D.276/889) Exposition of Types of Poetry.


Muritala Alhaji B

Abu Muhammad ‘Abd Allah b. Muslim al-Dinawari al-Kufi also known as Ibn Qutayba (d.276/889) was the first literary critic who made a rigid distinction between laf�?�?��?¼ and ma’n�?�??�?. Being both a theologian and a man of letters, he never tried to put one above the other. At least, no explicit statement indicates his preference of laf�?�?��?¼ over ma’n�?�??�? or vice versa. His analysis is very interesting in terms of its division and classification. However, his conclusions have opened him to many attacks, especially by modern critics, as will be discussed later in this paper. This research paper is going to discuss extensively on the foregoing issues and also elaborate more on some connected analysis on word and content (lafz and ma‘na) in Arabic literary critical circle.

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