
Sistema e gerenciamento de telecomunicações

Interference and Resource Management Strategy for Handover in Femtocells


Madiha Rasheed and Sana A

Interference in femtocells due to neighboring femtocells and macrocells is one of the major issues. Handover should be made to reduce interference, if and only if, when resources are available. Otherwise, it will further degrade network performance. Resource management should be made in an efficient manner that will not cause interference between macrocells and neighboring femtocells. Since distance between macro base station (MBS) and Femto Access Point (FAP) is short, therefore, it is very hard to sustain low handover probability when macro user (MUE) moves from MBS to FAP. We proposed handover algorithm for uplink co-channel interference mitigation that will make decision of handover on the basis of time-to-stay (TTS) and Signal to interference plus noise ratio (SINR) thresholds along with efficient resource management mechanism to reduce number of handovers and also resolve interference problem.

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