
Health Risks Of Consuming Untreated Borehole Water From Uzoubi Umuna Orlu, Imo State Nigeria


Lele Kelechi Charity, Verla Andrew Wirnkor, Amaobi Collins Emeka, Ajero Adaugo Isioma, Enyoh Christian Ebere and Verla Evelyn Ngozi

Water is highly essential for both industrial and human activities, and so scarcity of good drinking water in both rural and urban areas in developing countries is of great concern. Six borehole water samples obtained from twelve different villages in Uzoubi, Umuna, Orlu labeled A-F where collected and investigated for physicochemical characteristics and heavy metals. Result showed that all metals except for Cadmium (Cd)(0.0492 mg/L), Nickel (Ni) (0.032 mg/L) and Mercury (Hg)(0.0018 mg/L) had concentration higher than WHO permissible limit for safe drinking water. All metals exhibited low to moderate contamination factor except for Ni (6.0) which showed high contamination factor at borehole B, Cd at borehole A (3.6), B (4.2), D (40) and Hg (3.0) at borehole A. Individual pollution load index for all metals at the different sampled borehole water were low, indicating that the water is unpolluted. Ranking base on decreasing order of mean anthropogenic input, followed the order Cd (930%)>Ni (139.2%)>Hg (125%)>Cu (59.33%)>Zn (54.43%)>Se (50.8%)>Ag (49.14%)>Ar (33.33%)>Cr (30.0%)>Pb (24.33%). HQ via ingestion for both adult and children follow the decreasing order respectively Cr>Pb>Cu>Zn>Cd>Ni; Ni>Cr>Pb>Cu>Zn>Cd. HQ via dermal contact for both adult and children follow the decreasing order respectively Cu>Zn>Pb>Cd>Cr>Ni; Cr>Cd>Zn>Cu>Pb>Ni. HI via ingestion and dermal contact for children (8.47E-04, 1.33E-03) showed that children were more exposed to health dangers when compared to adult for prolong consumption of the borehole water. WQI of the five sampled borehole water were categorized under excellent water quality and follow. Ranking the WQI follows the order; E>A>D>F>B=C respectively. A positive correlation was observed for the borehole water samples confirming anthropogenic input. Though not polluted the investigated boreholes water was found to be contaminated and requires proper treatment before consumption as prolong usage could lead to serious health risk arising from metals bioaccumulation in human body.

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