Segurado E, Belzunce FJ and Fernández Pariente I
The aim of this research is to study the fatigue life enhancement produced in quenched and tempered AISI4340 steel with a tensile strength of 2000 MPa after being submitted to shot peening surface treatments. These treatments generate compressive residual stress fields in a superficial layer of the material at the same time as inducing some kind of damage on the surface. Different kind of projectiles were chosen to perform the treatment (ceramic and steel shots), studying the way these affected the fatigue life of the specimens.
The surface topography of the samples was analysed using a roughness tester and by means of scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The compressive residual stress profile induced by these treatments was measured using X-ray diffraction (XRD) plus electro-polishing. The fatigue behaviour of the treated samples was subsequently studied by means of 4-point rotating bending tests and their fracture surfaces were analysed using SEM.
The best fatigue performance was obtained after shot peening with ceramic beads under 8A Almen intensity. The main difference in relation to the treatment performed under the same intensity but using steel cut wire shots was the much lower surface damage induced by the impacts with the ceramic shots compared with the cut wire projectiles, which in turn is justified by the greater geometric perfection and hardness of the former. Furthermore, fatigue specimens shot peened with ceramic beads under 8A intensity always gave rise to internal fatigue crack initiation, which took place outside the zone subjected to residual compressive stresses. Moreover, fatigue initiation was always linked to the presence of hard and rigid alumina inclusions, which acted as microstructural stress concentrators.
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