
Effects of Employee Selection Process on Productivity in the Public and Private Sectors: A Case of Benue State


Onyeaghala and Hyacinth MI

This study examines the effect of selection process on employee productivity in private and public sectors. Selection process is the criterion or explanatory variable whereas employee productivity is the antecedence or predictor variable. The study employed the survey design and questionnaire was used for data collection. Content validity and face validity were conducted to validate the instrument. A test-re-test reliability method was applied to ascertain reliability of the instrument and result showed an acceptable reliability coefficient. Data was generated from 216 respondents randomly drawn from a private and public organization in Makurdi, Benue State. Data were presented using tables, frequencies and percentages while the research hypotheses were tested using independent t-test analytical tool, aided by Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). The findings of the study revealed that, there is a significant difference between the selection process employed by the private and public sector organizations and the productivity they achieved by employing such selection process. It was also revealed that the factors influencing selection process in private and public sector organizations are similar. The study therefore recommends that, for both the private and public sector organizations to have healthy and suitable employees capable of achieving high productivity, they should devise a formal and logical selection process and consistently adhere to it without deviations. Also, they should always consider factors such as educational qualification, experience, location, etc., with no iota of bias, discrimination or favouritism during their selection process.

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