
Revista de Ciência e Engenharia Têxtil

Effects of Elastane Draw Ratio of Core-spun Yarn on Air Permeability and Bursting Strength of Bi-Stretch Woven Fabrics


Kaynak HK*

Bi-stretch woven fabrics are widely used owing to their good physical comfort properties. In this study, it is aimed to investigate the effect of elastane draw ratio in the core-spun yarn on the air permeability and bursting strength of bi-stretch woven fabrics. For this aim, 20 Tex cotton combed ring spun yarn samples were produced with four different levels of draw ratio of elastane core (3.07, 3.33, 3.63, 3.99) in the yarn. Four woven fabric samples were produced by using these sample yarns as weft with 2/1 twill weave type. Then the air permeability and bursting strength properties of the samples were tested in dry relaxed and laundered states. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) was applied to determine the effect of elastane draw ratio in the yarn and relaxation type on fabric air permeability, bursting strength and bursting height, statistically.

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