
Attitudes and Skills in Business Working Settings: A HR Management Tool


Mauro Luisetto

This study move from the necessity to cover the need by professionals and public or private organization to reduce the high costs involved in some inefficient performances level. Today more than past working settings are very complex (also due by todays company competitiveness needs, cultural differences of workers, different educational and university course, personal goal setting, personal attitudes and other relevant aspect). High costs are involved in not efficiently in human resource management or by not rapid introduction of the new UR the new staffs. The total cost of human resource can be reduced of about 30% using a correct management strategic planning in order to obtain a more rapid and efficient introduction in the working places. Rationalize it is a golden endpoint as well as a real competitive advantages for the same company and organizations and instrument to well-being for the same professionals. The cost due by inadequate behavior or psychological profile and HR Management is crucial instrument of company competition. Observing the new kind of works in example in ICT technology, social networks and other market we can see that the creativity and workers wellness are successful tools to differentiating Technologies Products by different producers giving improvement of sales volume. (Old and new economy differs also by the different concept of works: in new economy we can have less strictly working condition but more results oriented. Less hierarchic control vs. old economy industry).The aim of this work is to observe the actual situation of education in field of emotional intelligence field and then to give some instruments that can be used by professionals in the different working settings in order to have a good and rapid introduction and to obtain improvement also in global performances. (Instruments for well-being for the same professionals: Stressing working conditions easy gives also stress in private life.) Today more than past working activities are under great competition and rapid change (according to the company competitive needs), less defined and with more fluid roles , the working time in office/or out of office can change a lot, more new technologies available then past, more functional organizations towards hierarchy roles. All this new condition creates a hard environment (more than past results oriented).So the organization researches the best professionalism available (with right HR management skills, Hig E.I. LEVEL, high behavior and psychological resilience ability and other skills useful for today jungle). So there is a great need to reduce the gap represented by behavior and psychological skills level required by company and the level of the professionals obtained in their educational life (schools, university, post university course). To be in condition to obtain high performances since first working experiences. Everyone can see that many professionals start their professional activity without a minimal level of emotional or social intelligence skills. Training systems and coaching can help but are needed deep knowledge in human resource management, and practical application.In the working places today there is the need to have great skills in communications, conflict management, and proactivity, resilience, learning by errors, perseverance, critical thinking and much other discipline. Psychological attitudes and skills can influence the working performance level. In example is known that often negative thinking attitude (tunnel thinking) can create in mind preferential ways easy to be run and this can create problems in the management of their thinking process with low performances level. (Some mindfulness strategy can help to improve psychological attitudes and reducing negative stress). The same thinking in the present time (observing too much the past gives trouble thinking while thinking too much the future can gives anxiety) help the mind can reinforce itself. Creativity can reduce anxious attitudes.About 70% of works ability and success depends on emotional intelligence versus 30 % technical abilities (Remember Pareto paradigm 20/80 similar). The emotional intelligence theory shows that the emotional brain can be more rapid in responding to some stress stimulus then the rational thinking. For example studies showed that Amygdala physio-pathology is involved in E. I. management and can give in this situation rapid response without waiting for the cortical brain control. (neo-cortex/reptilian brain) [1]. When in the same time many strong emotions stimulation arrives too fast to amygdala the neo cortex is not involved [1]. An easy reactive amygdala can results in working difficulties in relationship in equip.Low level of social intelligence gives isolation and depression and low working performances. Conflict are natural in all context and so in working setting. The self-motivation is strongly involved in professional development. Successful status is related with high emotional, social and political attitudes. But even if the technical competences are subjects of usual educational and university policy we see a real gap for the emotional social and relational development in student curriculum. So in this work, we try to give some elements for improving behavior skills to be active and efficient part of a professional team or to prevent and resolve conflict. In our opinion some theory are to be post under right light: and for example: De Bono Seven hats and Lateral thinking (problem solving approach), E. Goldratt TOC Theory of constraints, about psychological limits (a management theory), translational analysis, emotional and social intelligence, Pareto paradigm, GANTT diagram, Eisenhower matrix, Deming cycle (total quality management), MASLOV hierarchy of need, but they only the first of many other.

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